Monday, May 30, 2011
Hello Wonderfuls, & HAPPY MONDAY!
How was your weekends?
Unfortunately I remained cooped up in my office all weekend working on the above Technology project as part of my Uni course! I've made a Daily Task Board for use in the classroom & must say I reckon it's quite impressive :) All the pieces are detachable (stuck on using magical velcro) & the back contains a little pocket for all the spares! The creating was rather fun, but the 14 hour write up of it was draining (to say the least) & I've woken up this morning feeling like death!
1 week remains of Uni which means 2 weeks today I shall be jetting off to the Motherland for embraces with friends and family & snuggles from my beautiful newborn nephew! Eeeeee...SO exciting!
Have a fabulous week Peeps,
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Paper Cuckoo Clock
How amazingly random is this cuckoo clock made from paper? & the best bit? It really works! I love the description on the website...'Great as a gift for people who don't take life to seriously!' Ha, I love it!
Have a fabulous weekend y'all! I shall be cooped up in my office studying but hoping to escape my confines on Sunday to go here! Eee...fingers crossed!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Growing Up
I adore this idea for recording a little one's first year. Apparently little Lucien looks kinda grumpy on the 1 year one as his Mummy had to tell him off to stop playing with/eating the felt letters, HaHa! Nawww...SO cute!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Danny & Annie
So this video has been doing the rounds for a while now in Internetsville but further to my earlier post I had to share for those who haven't seen yet! It chokes me up every time!
"Being married is like having a colour television never wanna go back to black & white."
I wrote an e-mail to Annie after watching this the first time!
Old Love
I was reminded recently of my TOTAL adoration for old people in love. Seriously, the mere sight of an elderly couple holding hands in a shopping precinct is enough to make my heart want to explode with joy!
When we got married, my hubby & I wrote a list of hopes and dreams for our life together, it was totally done in fun at the time and we giggled as we jotted down some hilarious guess-tamations for our future years as man and wifey. They're now tucked away in our honeymoon scrapbook & I'm sure given a few years will be forgotten about. Who knows when or where we'll be when we find them again & read back to compare what the years have brought? The's a funny thing!
Keep loving each other,
(PS - Total proof that you're NEVER too old to bounce on beds!)
Penny Floor
Woah! How impressive is this Penny Floor idea as seen over at Revolver? More to the point how painstakingly long would it have taken to lay them all? I'm one of those people who loves counting coins. My Father-in-law has a HUMONGOUS whiskey bottle that is full of shrapnel and everytime I visit I vow to spend a few hours counting and bagging it all up for him...for a small share obviously :) Even I though, have to admit that floor would be one challenging task!
Apparently the floor is made up of over 340, 000 coins with the oldest penny dating back to 1908. All together the pennies weigh approx 2,000 lbs! IN-SANE, Ha!
For Now...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Joyous Prints for Joyous People

Check out these awesome prints from london design based company Ruka-Ruka! Either customise your print accordingly or select one of their pre-made designs ready to mail now! I've just ordered the Circus one for my baby nephew Harry & I simply cannot wait to give him it! The alphabet would be adorable for a Nursery & I have my eye on the Venn diagram one for an Anniversary gift for Hubby! Eeee...Lovely stores make my heart happy!
So further to my post on completing my visual arts diary this semester I thought I'd share with you what Line Art I've done this week! For a chick who has a severe liking for all things parallel & more than a few OCD tendencies mixing it up a bit has been a little difficult! The fact some of my obscure lines were contained within a jigsaw shape eased the blow for me, HaHa! I blame my linear education on causing me to be the way I am! Kids should most definitely be taught to colour out the lines on occasions!
This week we're working on Space & Shape...Oh the Joy!
Playing Peek-a-Boo!
Headed to the vets again next week for another ultrasound but for now Mr Fearn is back to his normal self - chilled out little guy during the day and absolute mentalist as of the evening :)
We purchased a shed load of toys from The Melbourne Rabbit Clinic which we've been mixing up on a daily basis, his current fave is a silver key ring type toy with wooden chews and bells on it, the first night he started playing with I was nodding off in bed only to be startled by what I originally thought was burglars, Ha! Good job we're used to it now!
What's your bunnies favourite toys? Is there any you'd recommend?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Line Drawing
I'm currently in the process of starting my Art portfolio as part of one of my education units. I find art somewhat challenging and have no idea where I'm going to pluck the time from to dedicate to it! Our first assignment is 2 line drawings, one using collage! As a result I've spent some time trawling the internet for inspiration & thought I'd share a few of the ones I loved! How adorable are those feet? They make me happy :) All are super impressive, unlike mine at present...
Wish me Luck!
Hey All,
Having been under the pump recently at Uni I thought I'd make the time to upload a little post! Here's some photos of our main man himself, feeling much better and back to his naughty little self (if not naughtier!)
Hubby's been away this week on a golfing trip with his work buddies which has made administering Fearn's antibiotics somewhat troublesome! 2 of us? Not a problem! Going solo? UhUh! I think Fearn thinks he's won & has been parading around the house somewhat triumphant, you wait till Hubby hits home tonight, Fearno, I fear you're in for a rude awakening :)
We have another check in with the vet in a few weeks time so they can ultrasound his tummy & check on the remaining abscesses! Will keep you posted!
Hope this finds you all fabulously fabulous!
R (& the Fearnster) x
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
AuntieHood, Eeee...!
I would like to say a HUGE 'Welcome to the World' to our brand spanking new baby nephew, Harry George Jonathan :) & a HUGE 'Congratulations' to my beautiful Brother & Sister-in-law on such an awesome job of creating a real life little person!
It's so difficult being on the other side of the world at an exciting time like this, when all I really want to do is jump on a plane back to the UK for a lungful of that sweet newborn smell! I have a flight booked in a months time so for now I shall have to eagerly await photo updates & practice some patience!
Not long now Harry, we love you to the moon & back already & the world seems a much brighter place for having you here with us.
Aunty R (& Uncle M) x
(Photo Via)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Sooooo Cute!
For all you animal lovers out there :) Enjoy!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
On the Mend
Brave Brave Bunny!
Rest & Relaxation - The Key to a Successful Recovery!
Feeling Better & Sampling our Melways!
Darling Readers,
I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to post again but it has been quite some week as you can imagine.
I'm ECSTATIC to tell you that sweetie pie Fearny is on the mend, & that after his (we've now started referring to him as Male due to his gender revelation as previously discussed, Ha!) post-surgery check up today our wonderful Vet has told us she's super happy with his progress, Yay!
We're now able to stop critical care feeding him much to Hubby & mine's delight. It was so tough holding the little fella still & attempting to get 10ml of stinky liquid food in to his mouth. To be fair, we were pretty useless on our first attempts & got more over each other & the floor than in Fearn's mouth. We got better at it but it's still not nice having to firmly grapple with him at 2hr intervals, especially in the early hours (note to self: we can definitely delay the kids)! We continue to administer antibiotics twice a day but they're much easier to bang on in due to their gel like nature & small quantities needed to be given.
The remaining abscesses in his tummy remain a concern but we're currently making the most of the Fearn time we've been blessed with & shall cross our fingers (& toes) that the medicine we're administering will assist in shrinking the bad boys down!
Thank you SO much to all you lovely people out there who sent well wishes to us across the miles. I'm reasonably new to this blogging malarky & your kind comments made us feel so supported it was unreal! Rest assured I personally read out all your messages to the Fearnster himself & he thinks you're all pretty darn lovely too :) We feel truly humbled to have made so many special new friends!
I shall be sure to keep you updated on his progress,
Have a wonderful weekend,
R (& F) xx
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Poorly Bunny :(
I write this entry with a sad heart today! My darling bunny Fearn is sick & after having emergency surgery today, the Vet managed to remove 5 giant abscesses from her tummy. Unfortunately 3 still remain & are too awkward to remove but the hope is that she's strong enough to pull through the night & we may be able to shrink the remaining abscesses with anti-biotics.
I've had rabbit's since I was a kid & never has a bunny had to have major surgery before. We were so shocked & when the Vet showed us those ugly abscesses I was dumbstruck. How the heck did they all fit inside her tummy anyhow? She's only little!
It seems silly & I feel ever so slightly embarrassed over how upset I've gotten over it, after all it's not a dog or a child for Goodness sake, but the fact is Fearn's one of the family. She's there in the morning sat patiently at the door waiting to go out & play. She's up on the couch with us at night watching tripe on television & chewing our sofa. She's there for me when Hubby is on nights & always game for a cuddle when I'm feeling homesick! She's my Homie...& I'm currently crossing everything I have for her to make a speedy recovery.
My wonderful girlfriend from the UK sent me that adorable picture at the bottom of her rabbit Bobbin sending well wishes to Fearn. Weird how they'll never meet but how much love can be sent across the miles! I'm going to print it out & pop it on the wall next to her cage for when she comes home!
C'mon can do it! I shall keep you posted!
(PS-We actually found out through this whole ordeal that Fearn is in fact a Boy bunny, not a girl as we've previously thought. It seems some what of a traumatic time to start addressing Her as a Him but we will most definitely get around to it soon! I can't believe we haven't noticed but apparently Bunny's are somewhat clever at pulling their bits up & disguising them. Who knew?)
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